About Me

My name is Kayde, and I was born three months early in March of 1988. Whenever I am asked to say something interesting about myself, I usually go with that factoid. Other interesting items include the fact that I was once a seat filler at the Emmy Awards, I love camels, I interned for CBS in the Comedy Development department, and I am a huge fan of Star Trek: Voyager.

I started crocheting in 2006, during my first year of college. A friend taught me how to do a single crochet stitch, and I single crocheted my way through some truly horrifying scarves. Not only did it take forever, but it was a bit boring, so my first bout with crochet came to an end. I then transferred schools, met my now husband, and moved to Arizona with him after graduation. We lived in Phoenix with his aunt, with the idea that we were closer to LA if an opportunity arose. (We both have Bachelor’s degrees in Radio/TV/Film). We didn’t have a car for awhile, and being Phoenix, it was insanely hot most of the time. I decided that I would give crocheting a try again, and I taught myself how to read a crochet pattern. My first creation was an amigurumi pig…which, while ultimately inside out, wasn’t a bad first try. I continued crocheting, and we eventually moved to Los Angeles.Sluuuuuugs_medium2

While in LA, I spent many hours alternating between job hunting and crocheting. I crocheted scarves, hats, amigurumi, granny squares…yarn was cheap and I had lots of time on my hands. I eventually started working for Apple and as a Page for CBS, but my husband and I soon moved back to Wisconsin, mainly because we were making no money and living in LA is even more expensive than you would think.

IMG_0468We then moved into my parents basement, and I continued crocheting. I made an amigurumi bear shortly after we moved back, just to make something to cheer myself up. I crocheted hats for family, made ornaments as Christmas gifts, and grew my yarn stash. My friend Samantha and I exchanged crochet gifts for Christmas, and my time spent crocheting was a way to escape the vortex of uncertainty my life had become. I decided to go to grad school, and my husband and I got married. I crocheted a hair comb, boutonniere, and flowers to add to my bouquet for the occasion.s0609IMG_2865

I started grad school, and realized I now had NO time to crochet. My works in progress became dormant as I was consumed by school and work. I am now almost done with school, and have started crocheting again! I have a job that is somewhat in my field, but what I’ve realized after working for almost 10 different employers is that I would really, really like to be my own boss. I saw a pin on Pinterest with the quote ” The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.” And it really got to me…

Enter today (9/24/14), and I’ve spiffed up my blog and gotten my Etsy shop in order. I want to take a crack at this online/handmade business thing, and see what happens. I want to be creative, do something I love, and share my passion with the world. No expectations, no one telling me what to do, setting my own rules and goals. I’m glad you’re here to help support my journey, and I’m excited to see where it all leads…

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